#002 - Dual-Clanning as a Member

Effective DateCreated ByStatus


R. Cohen 1A-1


Memo Description

This policy is a general set of rules and expectations we require here in the Auspire HR Department. We, in HR Command and ARP Head Administration, want to take all necessary actions as a professional community with custom assets and paid assets, to have a 100% safe and reliable base to our community. With that being said, outlined in this policy are our requirements to make sure we protect ourselves and a more specific note on what is/isn't allowed and what can make you ineligible to join or be terminated within the department.

Below are the set of requirements for ALL Human Resource members:

  1. At no time can a member who is staff or higher in another community join HR in Auspire.

  2. HR Persons in Auspire, at no time may give any other person outside Auspire an official document of this department for any reason.

  3. No member, staff member, or administrator is exempt from this policy.

Any member caught in violation of this policy will face termination from HR regardless of the assets you provided or voluntarily worked on and finally your rank in HR no matter probation or CoC.

Last updated