#005 - Intaking Family/Friends

Memo Description

This policy outlines the rules and expectations of intaking any sort of friend or family member that you may of recommended to the community. This policy ensures fair treatment of a fair intake to all members and removes relationships for determination of a intake to the community.

Criteria's of a Family/Friendship Relation

  1. Family Relation

  2. Past friendships that are continuous to today.

If the friendship was from at least six (6) months ago and isn't no longer active, you may conduct the interview or training.


If a applicant applies that has family/friend relation to a HR member, you are exempted from conducting that applicants interview or training. You may assist as a secondary assistant of the training or interview but cannot make any sort of decision that deciphers their membership or completion of a intake process.

Any member caught in violation of this policy will face termination from HR regardless of the assets you provided or voluntarily worked on and finally your rank in HR no matter probation or CoC.

Last updated