Hosting Training/Interviews

Hosting and training all is done with the portal system of Human Resources. This keeps everything organized, and ordered accordingly for proper management for Auspire Roleplay.

Hosting a Training

To host any sort of training within Auspire Roleplay as either Human Resources or In-Department Training, you need to make sure it is properly added on the First Responders Profile for safe keeping and record of them completing it.

  1. To get started, navigate to the Dashboard of the Human Resources Portal. Then select Training & Interview.

  2. Then you will click the blue square on the far right under the Host a Training section.

  3. You will then be prompted to a section asking you Type of Training. Select the dropdown and select the training that you are trying to host and click Start Training.

Adding to Trainings

After you have clicked Start Training, you will then see a section open at the top of the page that says Active Trainings with your name and the type of training. Below that will be the lead trainers view where you can add trainees to the training.

To add, simply search the trainees name and click Add to Training. After that as mentioned in a blue square, you will see the trainee popup with their information.

Concluding Trainings

To conclude trainings you need to either click one of the statuses to the right of the trainee (Completed, Failed, or Remove). This will set their status on that hosted training and remove then from the list of trainees.

To conclude the training, you will be prompted to a complete training button at which will complete the training and hide all the information.

Cancel Trainings

Cancelling a Training entirely or remove someone from a training are in two different basic steps that can be followed below.

Removing Trainees

As mentioned in Adding to Trainings, there is a option to Remove from a training. That is how you simply remove one trainee from the training if the continues to proceed.

Cancel Trainings

Now to cancel a trainings, you can reference to the Active Trainings bar and under the training hosts options, you will see cancel right under view. That option will cancel the training entirely and not even put into records.

Hosting Interviews

  1. To get started, navigate to the Dashboard of the Human Resources Portal. Then select Training & Interview.

  2. Either click Create a Interview or Interview a Returning Member depending on the circumstance of the applicant.

  3. Then fill out the Pre-Interview Stage form accordingly.

  4. Read the below statements in red, and click Begin Interview.

Last updated