#007 - Advanced Training Certifications

Effective DateCreated ByStatus


Corey M.


Memo Description

This policy outlines the meaning of Advanced Specialized Training Certifications and the purpose of them. This policy will discuss the set requirements to obtain any sort of advanced certifications within Human Resources.

What are Advanced Specialized Training Certifications?

These advanced trainings are for additional knowledge obtainable from any certified Law Enforcement Officer within Auspire Roleplay. These trainings are hosted by both certified FTOs in departments and Human Resource's Officers who hold the certification.

How to obtain a certification?

To obtain a special certification you need to contact a certified instructor of the course for a proper sit-through and assist in that training. After conducted a evaluation with a Evaluator+ who is certified in the course, you may receive a certification to teach that course.

Rules & Regulations

  1. You may NOT training a advanced training without the proper certification to do so.

  2. You must contain the #006 - Precise Interviewing/Training Characteristics continuously even during advanced trainings.

  3. Please ensure you have enough help to assist during the training so it is properly taught.

Official Advanced Specialized Training Certifications

Report Writing

Scene Management

Line Supervision

Advanced Vehicle Operations

Any member caught in violation of this policy will face termination from HR regardless of the assets you provided or voluntarily worked on and finally your rank in HR no matter probation or CoC.

Last updated