#008 - Improper Use of Portal

Effective DateCreated ByStatus


Corey M.


Memo Description

This policy shows the rules and regulations when using the Human Resourses Database Portal.

Purpose of the Database?

  1. Interview/Training storage and used to obtain information of trainings completed by a specific member.

  2. Makes a profile for each member of the community of their certified classes, and interviews involved in.

  3. Conducting new trainings or interviews.

Rules & Regulations of using the system

  1. At anytime, you may not edit, create, delete, or remove something from someone's profile unless instructed to do so or follows common practice procedures.

  2. Do not falsify any sort of training or interview if it did not occur.

  3. Do not make any changes to your or others profiles unless it is required to do so or instructed to

Any member caught in violation of this policy will face termination from HR regardless of the assets you provided or voluntarily worked on and finally your rank in HR no matter probation or CoC.

Last updated