#009 - HR Assistant Interview Evaluation

Memo Description

All new members of Human Resources are to begin in a evaluation phase before capable to interview new applicants of Auspire Roleplay. Below will be both of the processes to become fully certified and promoted out of the assistant phase.

The evaluation process can take as long as the evaluator feels until they are conformable of correct performance while interviewing. Ensure you read over all policy and procedures prior of the evaluation process.

To begin, HR Assistants should be capable of conducting an interview using Intake & Onboarding Procedures while utilizing the HR Portal. Below will include the step-by-step process of becoming a solo interviewer of Human Resources:

Phase #001 - Sit-Through

You will be required to sit through a interview with a HR Evaluator or above within Human Resources. This phase will give you the basic outlook of how the process of interviewing should be conducted.

Please ask questions prior and after the interview to ensure maximum performance of interviewing. If you do make mistakes, that is why you are in the evaluation process to ensure you are conducting interviews properly and to get ready to interview solo.

Phase #002 - Evaluation Phase

At this final phase, you will be required to conduct an entire interview from beginning to end while evaluated with a HR Evaluator and above. Your evaluator will be available for any sort of questions of proper intake.

You will be evaluated on the below sections:

  1. Use of Discord

  2. Use of Website

  3. Use of Portal

  4. Communication Skills

  5. Organization

  6. Following of HR Policy and Procedures

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