#010 - HR Assistant Training Evaluation

Effective DateCreated ByStatus


Corey M.


Memo Description

This evaluation process will pertain the training the Basic Recruit Training Course for all new law enforcement recruits. Reference to the step-by-step set of phases of becoming certified to teach the training course of Human Resources.

The evaluation process can take as long as the evaluator feels until they are conformable of correct performance while interviewing. Ensure you read over all policy and procedures prior of the evaluation process.

To begin, HR Assistants should be capable of conducting an interview using Basic Recruit Training Instructors Guide while utilizing the HR Portal. Below will include the step-by-step process of becoming a certified training officer within Human Resources:

Phase #001 - Sit-Along Phase

At this phase, you will basically sit-along with a certified trainer who is at a HR Evaluator rank or above. During this phase, you are required to contain a respectful and mature attitude while performing each individual training within Human Resources. Reference towards the #006 - Precise Interviewing/Training Characteristics of a proper environment to show consistently within trainings.

Things you can do during this phase:

Things you cannot do during this phase:

  • Speak on sections of the training, or teach off of the training guide without permission of the training host.

  • Distract new recruits within the training process.

  • Distract lead trainers of the training.

During this phase, a evaluator is fully capable of removing you from their training due to poor attributes that reflect a bad reputation of the division.

Phase #002 - Final Evaluation Phase

During this phase, you will be required to conduct an entire training from beginning to end according to policy and procedure. Your evaluator will evaluate your overall performance with a evaluation sheet to ensure you are capable of becoming a solo instructor of this training course. After you pass your final phase, you will be officially certified to teach this course on your own doing.

During this phase, a evaluator is fully capable of removing you from their training due to poor attributes that reflect a bad reputation of the division.

Last updated