#006 - Precise Interviewing/Training Characteristics

Effective DateCreated ByStatus


Corey M.


Memo Description

This policy outlines the expectations that are required to hold while conducting either a training or interview under Human Resources. You are held at a standard of representing the Human Resources Division in a consistent respectful and mature way towards all new applicants or recruits in Auspire.

Good Examples of Correct Interviewing Ethics

  1. On-topic

  2. Respectful

  3. Welcoming/caring

  4. Greeting

  5. Clear spoken

  6. Preparedness

Bad Examples of Interviewing Ethics

  1. Off-topic

  2. Disrespectful

  3. Offensive

  4. Not caring (just clocking the interviews for activity)

  5. Not clear spoken

  6. Not prepared

Any member caught in violation of this policy will face termination from HR regardless of the assets you provided or voluntarily worked on and finally your rank in HR no matter probation or CoC.

Last updated